Counselling & Talking Therapy
If you are feeling anxious or low and would like counselling or talking therapy (such as cognitive behavioural therapy), you can refer yourself using the link below through Walsall talking therapies.
Walsall Talking therapy information here
Black Country 24/7 helpline
If you need urgent help with your mental health or you are struggling to cope the Black Country 24/7 helpline is here to help you.
The helpline offers a range of services which provide support at times and places when people need it the most. We can help you with:
- Advice
- Emotional support
- Triage
- Referrals
- Signposting
You don’t need to be referred by your GP or other health professionals, you can just reach out for help when you need it. Mental health professionals will be on hand to help you avoid a crisis and help you find the path to recovery.
Call freephone 0800 008 6516 or text 07860 025 281
You can visit the NHS website for more information.