Diabetic eye screening
Diabetic eye screening should happen every year but it is not done through the GP surgery.
You are called automatically and you do not need to do anything. Just attend when you are called.
If you believe you are due screening, but have not had any invitations, you can contact the diabetic eye screening team directly on 0121 661 2220 or email on enquiries.bsbcdesp@nhs.net.
Go to diabetic eye screening website.
Diabetes & Ramadan
The Qur’an requires Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset. Whilst there are exceptions to this – one of them being that people who are ill or have medical conditions do not have to fast, including people with diabetes – ultimately, it is a personal choice whether or not to fast.
For the next few years, Ramadan in the UK is in the late spring months and the lengths of fasts are long. Long fasts put a person with diabetes at higher risk of hypoglycaemia and dehydration.
For more information on how people with diabetes can stay safe and well during Ramadan, please visit Diabetes UK website here.
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